
Distribution de produits de sécurité

Bouillon, Belgium


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40/40I - Détecteur de Flamme Triple IR (IR3) Spectrex Triple IR (IR3) Flame Detector 40-40I40/40I - Détecteur de Flamme Triple IR (IR3) Spectrex Triple IR (IR3) Flame Detector 40-40I

Detecteur de Flamme Triple IR 40-40I

Détecteur de Flamme Triple IR (IR3) boitier antidéflagrant 40/40I SharpEye SPECTREX
Description du produit

40/40I - Détecteur de Flamme Triple IR (IR3) - Boitier Antidéflagrant Spectrex

The new 40/40I, a multi spectrum based on three IR bands (IR3), detects fuel and gas fires at long distances with the highest immunity to false alarms. The 40/40I IR3 can detect a 1 ft2 (0.1m2) gasoline pan fire at 215 ft (65m) in less than 5 seconds.
The 40/40I is the most durable and weather resistant flame detector currently on the market. Its new features include a heated window, to eliminate condensation and icing; HART capabilities for digital communications; lower power requirements; and a compact, lighter design.
Due to increased reliability, the 40/40 Series warranty period has been extended to 5 years and is SIL2 (TUV) approved to IEC 61508.

Boitier standard : Aluminium (Boitier Inoxydable en option)


• Multi spectrum design - for long distance detection and high false alarm immunity
• Sensitivity selection - to ensure no zone crossover detection
• Automatic and Manual Built-In-Test (BIT) - to assure continued reliable operation
• Heated window - for operation in harsh weather conditions (snow, ice, condensation)
• Multiple output options for maximum flexibility and compatibility
- Relays (3) for Alarm, Fault and Auxiliary
- 0-20mA (stepped)
- HART Protocol for maintenance and asset management
- RS-485, Modbus Compatible
• High Reliability - MTBF - minimum 150,000 hours
• Approved to Safety Integrity Level 2 (SIL2 – TUV)
• 5-Year Warranty
• User Programmable via HART or RS-485
• Hazardous area zones:
- Zones 1 & 2 with IIC gas group vapors present
- Zones 21 & 22 with IIIC dust type present
• Ex approved to:
• 3rd party performance tested
- EN54-10 (VdS)
- FM3260
• Marine Approval
- MED ‘Wheelmark’ approval (DNV)


  • Offshore Oil & Gas installations
  • Onshore Oil & Gas installations and pipelines
  • Chemical plants
  • Petrochemicals plants
  • Storage Tank farms
  • Aircraft hangars
  • Power Generation facilities
  • Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Printing Industry
  • Warehouses
  • Automotive
  • Explosives & Munitions
  • Waste Disposal facilities



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