Module 8 entrees analogiques 4-20mA STGIN8PK
Module 8 entrées analogiques 4-20mA pour centrale gaz Multiscan Park Sensitron ST.G/IN8-PK
ST.G/IN8-PK - Module 8 entrées analogiques 4-20mA pour centrale MULTISCAN Park Sensitron
8-input modules STG/IN8-PK are employed to connect gas detectors having 4-20mA output transmission.
It is possible to connect a maximum of 32 modules to the system, on condition that only no other detector is daisy chained to the loop.
All remote modules feature galvanic isolation to avoid any electric noises or spikes generating from the field from damaging the system.
Each detector or module is addressed and each address identifies uniquely each detecting device being connected.