256 zones SIL2 Gas Control Panel Multiscan S2 STMTSS2-256B
256 zones Gas Control Panel ATEX and SIL2 ABS housing Multiscan++S2 Sensitron STMTS/S2-256B
3 relay Output Card for SMART S, SMART3 GC and NC series gas detectors Sensitron STS3REL
32 Gas Detectors RS485 Gas Control Panel for car parks ABS housing Multiscan++Park Sensitron STMTS/PK32B
32 zones Gas Control Panel Multiscan S1 STMTSS1-32B
32 zones Gas Control Panel ATEX and SIL1 ABS housing Multiscan++S1 Sensitron STMTS/S1-32B
32 zones SIL2 Gas Control Panel Multiscan S2 STMTSS2-32B
32 zones Gas Control Panel ATEX and SIL2 ABS housing Multiscan++S2 Sensitron STMTS/S2-32B
4 Zones Gas Control Panel Sentox4+
4 Channel, two Alarm thresholds Microprocessor based Gas Control Panel for 4-20mA detectors DIN-rail mounting Sensitron SENTOX 4+ STSX4
4-12 Zones Gas Control Panel PL4+D
ATEX and SIL1 4-12 Zones Gas Control Panel for 4-20mA detectors Sensitron PL4+DIN
ATEX and SIL1 4-8 Zones Gas Control Panel for 4-20mA detectors Sensitron ST.PL4+
8 zones upgradable to 64 zones Gas Control Panel for car parks ABS housing Multiscan++Park Sensitron STMTS/PK64B
64 zones Gas Control Panel Multiscan S1 STMTSS1-64B
64 zones Gas Control Panel ATEX and SIL1 ABS housing Multiscan++S1 Sensitron STMTS/S1-64B
64 zones SIL2 Gas Control Panel Multiscan MED STMTSS2-64MED
16 zones upgradable to 64 zones Gas Control Panel MED, ATEX and SIL2 Multiscan++MED Sensitron STMTS/S2-64MED
64 zones SIL2 Gas Control Panel Multiscan S2 STMTSS2-64B
64 zones Gas Control Panel ATEX and SIL2 ABS housing Multiscan++S2 Sensitron STMTS/S2-64B