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K555 - Carte Interface Réseau SYNCRO NET Kentec NETworking BoardK555 - Carte Interface Réseau SYNCRO NET Kentec NETworking Board

Carte Interface Reseau SYNCRO NET

Carte Interface Réseau pour Centrale de Détection Incendie Kentec SYNCRO NET K555
319,00 €
Total hors-taxes : 319,00 €
Description du produit

K555 - Carte Interface Réseau SYNCRO NET

The flexibility of the Syncro system can be further enhanced by connecting control panels and repeaters together using a high integrity network.
A simple 2-wire connection between each panel allows events to be transmitted to other parts of the system to provide indication or control on a system wide basis.
Using the Loop Explorer configuration programme, up to 64 nodes can be programmed to respond in a variety of ways to any system events as required.
This flexibility extends the comprehensive cause and effect programming capability of Syncro control panels to the entire network allowing actions, test modes or disablements to be
started from any point.
The fault tolerance of the network is such that any single open or short circuit fault will not result in any loss of information.
Multiple faults are isolated and the network breaks into smaller networks which continue to work autonomously.


- Up to 64 nodes
- High integrity protocol
- Fully secure against short or open circuit faults
- Simple 2-wire loop connection
- Supports open ended networks for retrofit applications
- Repeaters share network connection
- Network wide test and disablement functions
- Network wide cause and effect logic
- Flexible configuration options
- Panels configurable to act on network events or not as required


  • Product code : K555
  • Protocol : RS485
  • Connection : Two wire loop
  • Current Consumption : 40mA
  • Integrity : Full isolation of faulty nodes or wiring segments
  • Indicators : Data In and Data Out communications status
  • Cable length : 1200 metres to adjacent nodes (subject to cable type) (see technical manual)
  • Cable type : Belden 9271, Belden 9860, FP200 Gold
  • Compatible panels : Syncro/Syncro AS (required for networking) Syncro Response/Syncro 6 & 8 loop, Syncro Focus (supplied with panel)


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