
Distribution de produits de sécurité

Bouillon, Belgium


+32 477 23 76 79


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AS371 Sirène/Flash d'incendie, 110 dB(A), Flash xenon - Fire sounder-beacon, 110 dB(A), xenon beacon - UTC Fire & SecurityAS371 Sirène/Flash d'incendie, 110 dB(A), Flash xenon - Fire sounder-beacon, 110 dB(A), xenon beacon - UTC Fire & Security

Sirène/Flash incendie, haute puissance, extérieur AS371

Sirène/Flash d'incendie, Haute intensité sonore, Flash xenon, usage extérieur - AS371 UTC Fire & Security
Description du produit

AS371 - Sirène/Flash incendie, 110 dB(A), Flash xenon - UTC Fire & Security

The AS371 is a fire sounder with xenon beacon, which has been designed specifically for outdoor use. It's main function is to warn people outside a building of the detection of a fire alarm inside the building. The AS371 combines acoustic and visual warning in a single housing, and offers the installer the choice between separate or combined sounder and beacon control.
The AS371 is mostly used on the outside of buildings for indication in open areas where safety personnel may not always be present. When used in enclosed areas, care needs to be taken that the acoustic output of this siren does not damage the hearing of people in the the area.


- High sound output
- Exterior operation
- Separate sounder & beacon control
- Xenon beacon



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