Intrinsically Safe Devices
Results 7 - 10 of 10
Intrinsically Safe Devices
Intrinsically Safe Conventional Photoelectric Smoke Detector SLR-E-IS/SIL
Intrinsically Safe Conventional Photoelectric Smoke Detector, SIL2 approved SLR-E-IS/SIL - Hochiki
Intrinsically Safe Conventional Photoelectric Smoke Detector SLR-E-IS
Intrinsically Safe Conventional Photoelectric Smoke Detector SLR-E-IS - Hochiki
I.S. Galvanic isolator for AS372/FA370 series GBX370
I.S. Galvanic barrier specifically designed to drive sounders and beacons for AS372/FA370 series - GBX370 UTC Fire &...
Fire sounder, intrinsic safe, multi tone, surface mount AS372
Fire sounder, intrinsic safe, 49 Tones user selectable, surface mount - AS372 UTC Fire & Security